Publications by Gert-Jan de Vries:

The following list comprises journal papers, conference publications, book chapters, theses, patents and presentations I have (co-)authored and press releases and media appearances of work I have contributed to.

Journal Papers

  1. Bart R. Maas, Daniel H.B. Speelberg, Gert-Jan de Vries, Giulio Valenti, Andreas Ejupi, Bastiaan R. Bloem, Sirwan K. L. Darweesh, and Nienke M. de Vries, "Patient experience and feasibility of a remote monitoring system in Parkinson's disease", Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, vol.11, no.10, pp.1223-1231, 2024.[URL][DOI][Bibtex]
  2. Rick van Veen, Neha Rajendra Bari Tamboli, Sofie Lövdal, Sanne K. Meles, Remco J. Renken, Gert-Jan de Vries, Dario Arnaldi, Silvia Morbelli, Pedro Clavero, José A. Obeso, Maria C. Rodriguez Oroz, Klaus L. Leenders, Thomas Villmann, and Michael Biehl, "Subspace Corrected Relevance Learning with Application in Neuroimaging", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol.149, pp.102786, 2024.[URL][DOI][Bibtex]
  3. Rick van Veen, Sanne K. Meles, Remco J. Renken, Fransje E. Reesink, Wolfgang H. Oertel, Annette Janzen, Gert-Jan de Vries, Klaus L. Leenders, and Michael Biehl, "FDG-PET combined with Learning Vector Quantization allows classification of neurodegenerative diseases and reveals the trajectory of idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.225, pp.107042, Oct. 2022.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  4. Rick van Veen, Michael Biehl, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "sklvq: Scikit Learning Vector Quantization", Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol.22, no.231, pp.1-6, 2021. (impact factor: 3.654)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  5. Rick van Veen, Vita Gurvits, Rosalie V. Kogan, Sanne K. Meles, Gert-Jan de Vries, Remco J. Renken, Maria C. Rodriguez-Oroz, Rafael Rodriguez-Rojas, Dario Arnaldi, Stefano Raffa, Bauke M. de Jong, Klaus L. Leenders, and Michael Biehl, "An Application of Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization in Neuroimaging", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.197, pp.105708, 2020. (impact factor: 5.428)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  6. I. Sokoreli, J. G. Cleland, S. C. Pauws, E. W. Steyerberg, J. J. G. de Vries, J. M. Riistama, K. Dobbs, J. Bulemfu, and A. L. Clark, "Added value of frailty and social support in predicting risk of 30-day unplanned re-admission or death for patients with heart failure: an analysis from OPERA-HF", International Journal of Cardiology, vol.278, pp.167-172, 2019. (impact factor: 3.229)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  7. I. Sokoreli, S. C. Pauws, E. W. Steyerberg, J. J. G. de Vries, J. M. Riistama, A. Tesanovic, S. Kazmi, P. Pellicori, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Prognostic value of psychosocial factors for first and recurrent hospitalizations and mortality in heart failure patients: insights from the OPERA-HF study", European Journal of Heart Failure, pp.689-696, 2018. (impact factor: 10.683)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  8. I. Sokoreli, J. J. G. de Vries, J. M. Riistama, S. C. Pauws, E. W. Steyerberg, A. Tesanovic, G. Geleijnse, K. M. Goode, A. Crundall-Goode, S. Kazmi, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Depression as an independent prognostic factor for all-cause mortality after a hospital admission for worsening heart failure", International Journal of Cardiology, vol.220, pp.202-207, 2016. (impact factor: 4.638)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  9. I. Sokoreli, J. J. G. de Vries, S. C. Pauws, and E. W. Steyerberg, "Depression and anxiety as predictors of mortality among heart failure patients: systematic review and meta-analysis", Heart Failure Reviews, vol.21, no.1, pp.49-63, 2016. (impact factor: 3.787)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  10. J. J. G. de Vries, P. M. C. Lemmens, D. Brokken, S. C. Pauws, and M. Biehl, "Towards Emotion Classification Using Appraisal Modeling", International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, vol.6, no.1, pp.40-59, 2015.[URL][DOI][Bibtex]
  11. J. J. G. de Vries, S. C. Pauws, and M. Biehl, "Insightful Stress Detection from Physiology Modalities using Learning Vector Quantization", Neurocomputing, vol.151, part 2, pp.873-882, 2015. (impact factor: 2.083)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  12. Joris H. Janssen, Paul Tacken, J. J. G. (Gert-Jan) de Vries, Egon L. van den Broek, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, Pim Haselager, and Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, "Machines outperform lay persons in recognizing emotions elicited by autobiographical recollection", Human Computer Interaction, vol.28, no.6, pp.479-517, 2013. (impact factor: 2.250)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  13. Joris H. Janssen, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, Paul Tacken, and J. J. G. (Gert-Jan) de Vries, "The tell-tale heart: Perceived emotional intensity of heartbeats", International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, vol.4, no.1, pp.65-91, Jan. 2013.[URL][DOI][Bibtex]
  14. Marieke van Dooren, J. J. G. (Gert-Jan) de Vries, and Joris H. Janssen, "Emotional sweating across the body: Comparing 16 different skin conductance measurement locations", Physiology & Behavior, vol.106, no.2, pp.298-304, 2012. (impact factor: 2.869)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  15. A. W. Witoelar, A. Ghosh, J. J. G. de Vries, B. Hammer, and M. Biehl, "Window-Based Example Selection in Learning Vector Quantization", Neural Computation, vol.22, no.11, pp.2924-2961, 2010. (impact factor: 2.29)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]

Conference Publications

  1. Meike Hendriks, Steffen Pauws, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Ioanna Sokoreli, "External Validation and Calibration of Health Risk Models that Predict Readmission Risk in Patients with Heart Failure", in Proceedings of the 43rd annual North American meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 18-20 Oct. 2021.[PDF][Bibtex]
  2. Quintano Neira, Gert-Jan de Vries, Ronny S. Mans, and Ioanna Sokoreli, "Applying Process Mining in Population Health Management", in Proceedings of ICT Innovations 2020, 24 Sept. 2020.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  3. I. Sokoreli, A. Abdolahi, J. M. Riistama, S. C. Pauws, J. J. G. de Vries, P. J. Amelung, R. Nicholson, C. Veremakis, and E. W. Steyerberg, "Risk prediction of 30-day unplanned re-admission or mortality for heart failure patients: external validation of the OPERA model", in European Journal of Heart Failure 2020, 2020.[PDF][Bibtex]
  4. R. A. Quintano Neira, B. F. A. Hompes, J. J. G. de Vries, B. F. Mazza, S. L. Simões de Almeida, E. Stretton, J. C. A. M. Buijs, and S. Hamacher, "Analysis and Optimization of a Sepsis Clinical Pathway using Process Mining", in Proceedings of International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2019), pp.8-9, Vienna, Austria, 2 Sept. 2019.[PDF][Bibtex]
  5. Ricardo Alfredo Quintano Neira, Gert-Jan de Vries, Erin Stretton, Bruno Franco Mazza, Samantha Longhi Simões de Almeida, Joos Buijs, and Silvio Hamacher, "Evaluation of the execution of a sepsis clinical pathway in the emergency department through process mining techniques", in Proceedings of Encontro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção (EPPGEP III 2018), pp.8-9, Florianópolis, Brasil, 17-19 Sept. 2018. (Special Mentioning)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  6. R. van Veen, L. Talavera Martinez, R. V. Kogan, S. K. Meles, D. Mudali, J. B. T. M. Roerdink, F. Massa, M. Grazzini, J. A. Obeso, M. C. Rodriguez-Oroz, K. L. Leenders, R. J. Renken, J. J. G. de Vries, and M. Biehl, "Machine Learning Based Analysis of FDG-PET Image Data for the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases", in Application of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2018) - Proceedings of the 1st International APPIS Conference 2018, N. Petkov, N. Strisciuglio, and C. Travieso-Gonzalez, eds., ser. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol.310, pp.280-289, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2018.[PDF][Bibtex]
  7. Ricardo Alfredo Quintano Neira, Gert-Jan de Vries, Jennifer Caffarel, and Erin Stretton, "Extraction of Data from a Hospital Information System to Perform Process Mining", in Proceedings of The 16th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo2017), pp.554-558, Hangzhou, China, 21-25 Aug. 2017.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  8. S. Ghosh, E. S. Baranowski, R. van Veen, G.-J. de Vries, M. Biehl, W. Arlt, P. Tino, and K. Bunte, "Computer aided diagnosis under the influence of heterogeneous data and imbalanced classes", in Proceedings of ICT.OPEN 2017, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 21-22 Mar. 2017. (extended abstract; best poster award)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  9. S. Ghosh, E. S. Baranowski, R. van Veen, G.-J. de Vries, M. Biehl, W. Arlt, P. Tino, and K. Bunte, "Comparison of strategies to learn from imbalanced classes for computer aided diagnosis of inborn steroidogenic disorders", in Proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2017), M. Verleysen, ed., Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 26-28 Apr. 2017.[PDF][Bibtex]
  10. Gert-Jan de Vries, Ricardo Alfredo Quintano Neira, Gijs Geleijnse, Prabhakar Dixit, and Bruno Franco Mazza, "Towards Process Mining of EMR Data: Case Study for Sepsis Management", in Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), vol.5: HEALTHINF, pp.585-593, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 Feb. 2017.[PDF][Bibtex]
  11. Gert-Jan de Vries, "Information richness and data missingness in clinical studies for Heart Failure", in Integration of Expert Knowledge for Interpretable Models in Biomedical Data Analysis (Dagstuhl Seminar 16261), Gyan Bhanot, Michael Biehl, Thomas Villmann, and Dietlind Zühlke, eds., ser. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, vol.6, no.6, Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2016. (invited)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  12. I. Sokoreli, D. De Massari, S. C. Pauws, J. M. Riistama, J. J. G. de Vries, E. W. Steyerberg, A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, R. Dierckx, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Effectiveness of telehealth for heart failure management in routine practice", in International Journal of Integrated Care - European Telemedicine Conference 2016, Oslo 15-16 November, vol.16, no.5, Nov. 2016. (Best abstract)[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  13. J. J. G. de Vries, I. Sokoreli, G. Geleijnse, S. C. Pauws, J. M. Riistama, A. Tesanovic, A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Assessment Of Patient Selection Bias in Prospective Studies of Heart Failure", in European Journal of Heart Failure 2016, vol.18, no.Issue Supplement S1, pp.55, 2016.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  14. I. Sokoreli, G. Geleijnse, S. Pauws, J. Riistama, A. Tesanovic, G.-J. de Vries, A. Crundall-Goode, K. Goode, J. Cleland, and A. Clark, "Depression as an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality in heart failure patients", in European Journal of Heart Failure 2015, vol.17, no.Issue Supplement S1, pp.69-70, 2015.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  15. Gert-Jan de Vries, Steffen Pauws, and Michael Biehl, "Facial Expression Recognition using Learning Vector Quantization", in Proceedings of the 16th international Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), George Azzopardi, and Nicolai Petkov, eds., ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.9257, pp.760-771, Valletta, Malta: Springer International Publishing, 2-4 Sept. 2015.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  16. Ana Kostadinovska, Gert-Jan de Vries, Gijs Geleijnse, and Katerina Zdravkova, "Employing Personal Health Records for Population Health Management", in ICT Innovations 2014, Ana Madevska Bogdanova, and Dejan Gjorgjevikj, eds., ser. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.311, pp.65-74, 2014.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  17. A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, A. Shoaib, G. Geleijnse, J. J. G. de Vries, E. Robson, K. Dobbs, K. Wong, A. L. Clark, and J. G. Cleland, "OPeRA-HF, An Observational study to assess and Predict the in-patient course, risk of Re-Admission and mortality for patients hospitalised for or with Heart Failure", in PCCJ/BJPCN Issues & Answers in Cardiovascular Disease, 8-9 Nov. 2013. (Final candidate for Best Practice Poster Award)[PDF][Bibtex]
  18. J. J. G. (Gert-Jan) de Vries, Gijs Geleijnse, Aleksandra Tesanovic, and A. R. T. (Ramon) van de Ven, "Heart Failure Risk models and their readiness for clinical practice", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2013 (ICHI 2013), pp.240-247, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 9-11 Sept. 2013.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  19. A. Shoaib, K. M. Goode, A. Crundall-Goode, G. Geleijnse, J. J. G. de Vries, E. Robson, K. Dobbs, K. Wong, A. L. Clark, and J. G. Cleland, "OPeRA-HF Study Design (Monitoring Arm): An observational study to assess and predict the in-patient course, risk of re-admission and mortality for patients hospitalised for or with heart failure", in European Journal of Heart Failure, vol.15, no.S1, pp.S234, 2013.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  20. A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, A. Shoaib, G. Geleijnse, J. J. G. de Vries, E. Robson, K. Dobbs, K. Wong, A. L. Clark, and J. G. Cleland, "OPeRA-HF study design (Risk Arm): an observational study to assess and predict the in-patient course, risk of readmission and mortality for patients hospitalised for or with heart failure", in European Journal of Heart Failure, vol.15, no.S1, pp.S235, 2013.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  21. J. J. G. de Vries, M. van Dooren, W. H. M. van Beek, E. O. Dijk, M. Ouwerkerk, and J. H. D. M. Westerink, "Deriving stress from peripheral physiology", in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), pp.108, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2-4 July 2012.[PDF][Bibtex]
  22. Joyce Westerink, Anton van Boxtel, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Joris Janssen, Martin Ouwerkerk, Therese Overbeek, Gert-Jan de Vries, Petr Slovak, Marjolein van der Zwaag, and Geraldine Fitzpatrick, "Unobtrusive Emotion Sensing in Everyday Life", in Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2012, 8th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, A. J. Spink, F. Grieco, O. E. Krips, L. W. S. Looijens, L. P. J. J. Noldus, and P. H. Zimmerman, eds., pp.332, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 28-31 Aug. 2012.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  23. Igor J. Berezhnoy, Gert-Jan de Vries, Tim Weysen, Jonce Dimov, and Gary Garcia-Molina, "Towards unobtrusive automated sleep stage classification - Polysomnography using electrodes on the face", in Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF), pp.487-492, 2012.[DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  24. Farnaz Zangouei, Mohammad Ali Babazadeh Gashti, Kristina Höök, Tim Tijs, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Joyce Westerink, "How to Stay in the Emotional Rollercoaster: Lessons Learnt from Designing EmRoll", in Proceedings of the sixth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), pp.571-580, Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-20 Oct. 2010.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  25. Paul M. C. Lemmens, Dirk Brokken, Floris M. H. Crompvoets, Jack van den Eerenbeemd, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "Tactile Experiences", in Proceedings of the EuroHaptics 2010 Special Symposium: Haptic and Audio-Visual Stimuli: Enhancing Experiences and Interaction, Anton Nijholt, Esko O. Dijk, Paul M. C. Lemmens, and Steven Luitjens, eds., pp.11-17, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 7-10 July 2010.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  26. Gert-Jan de Vries, and Marjolein D. van der Zwaag, "Enhanced Method For Robust Mood Extraction From Skin Conductance", in Proceedings of the third International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS), pp.139-144, Valencia, Spain, 20-23 Jan. 2010.[DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  27. Gert-Jan de Vries, Paul Lemmens, and Dirk Brokken, "Same or Different? Recollection Of or Empathizing With an Emotional Event From The Perspective of Appraisal Models", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), vol.1, pp.422-427, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10-12 Sept. 2009. (Best paper runner-up)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  28. Joyce Westerink, Martin Ouwerkerk, Gert-Jan de Vries, Stijn de Waele, Jack van den Eerenbeemd, and Marco van Boven, "Emotion measurement platform for daily life situations", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), vol.1, pp.217-222, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10-12 Sept. 2009.[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  29. Stijn de Waele, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Mark Jäger, "Experiences with adaptive statistical models for biosignals in daily life", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), vol.1, pp.710-715, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10-12 Sept. 2009. (invited)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  30. Gert-Jan de Vries, and Michael Biehl, "Analysis of Robust Soft Learning Vector Quantization and an application to Facial Expression Recognition", in Similarity-based learning on structures, Michael Biehl, Barbara Hammer, Sepp Hochreiter, Stefan C. Kremer, and Thomas Villmann, eds., ser. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, no.09081, Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2009. (invited)[URL][PDF][Bibtex]
  31. Paul Lemmens, Floris Crompvoets, Dirk Brokken, Jack van den Eerenbeemd, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "A body-conforming tactile jacket to enrich movie viewing", in Proceedings of the third joint EuroHaptics conference, 2009 and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems. World Haptics 2009., pp.7-12, 18-20 Mar. 2009.[URL][DOI][PDF][Bibtex]
  32. Mai Ho, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "Visual Textures for Displaying Multidimensional Datasets", in Proceedings of the 3rd Student Colloquium 2005-2006 (SC@RUG 2006), Rein Smedinga, and Paris Avgeriou, eds., pp.26-32, Groningen, the Netherlands, 23-24 Jan. 2006.[URL][Bibtex]

Book chapters

  1. Gert-Jan de Vries, Paul Lemmens, Dirk Brokken, Steffen Pauws, and Michael Biehl, "Towards Emotion Classification Using Appraisal Modeling", in Psychology and Mental Health: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp.552-572, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2016. (Reprinted version of: International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, vol.6, no.1, pp.40-59, 2015)[URL][DOI][Bibtex]
  2. Joyce Westerink, William van Beek, Elke Daemen, Joris Janssen, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Martin Ouwerkerk, "The Vitality Bracelet: Bringing Balance to Your Life with Psychophysiological Measurements", in Advances in Physiological Computing, Stephen H. Fairclough, and Kiel Gilleade, eds., pp.197-209, London: Springer London, 2014.[URL][DOI][Bibtex]


  1. J. J. G. de Vries, "Modeling Affective State using Learning Vector Quantization", Ph.D. dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, Nov. 2014.[URL][Bibtex]
  2. J. J. G. de Vries, "Analysis of Robust Soft Learning Vector Quantization", M.Sc. Thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, July 2007.[URL][Bibtex]

Patents / Patent applications

  1. Kees Hendriks, Roberto Buizza, Joyce van Zanten, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Fons Schipper, "Systems and methods for determining cheek impedance during mechanical ventilation", Patent application, pending, 2024.
  2. Pascal de Graaf, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "An Acoustic Sensing System", Patent application, pending, 2024.
  3. Gert-Jan de Vries, and Pascal de Graaf, "Respiratory support device, acoustic sensor system, and membrane", Patent application, pending, 2024.
  4. Marine Flechet, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Michael Polkey, "Predictive screening model for Expiratory Flow Limitation", Patent application, pending, 2023.
  5. Tamara Nijsen, Samer Bou Jawde, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Pablo Nanez, "Generating an indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", Patent application, US2023148900; WO2023083720, 2021.[URL]
  6. Gert-Jan de Vries, "Generating Simulated Population Dataset", Patent application, pending, 2022.
  7. J. J. G. de Vries, "Method and system for detecting spiral patterns in cancellation tests", Patent application, US2021315501, 2020.[URL]
  8. J. J. G. de Vries, "Method for transfer learning in clustering", Patent application, US2021312330; WO2021204704, 2020.[URL]
  9. J. J. G. de Vries, L. Klaming, S. Nauts, J. Vogt, and M. F. Gillies, "A computer-implemented method, an apparatus and a computer program product for determining an updated set of words for use in an auditory verbal learning test", Patent application, EP3682796; WO2020148166; US2021330241, 2019.[URL]
  10. J. J. B. N. van Berkel, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Method for performing complex computing on very large sets of patient data", Patent application, WO2020141097, 2019.[URL]
  11. J. J. G. de Vries, J. J. B. N. van Berkel, and I. Sokoreli, "Careplan assignment based on clustering", Patent application, EP3871226; WO2020083895, 2018.[URL]
  12. J. J. G. de Vries, "A computer-implemented method and an apparatus for use in detecting malingering by a first subject in one or more physical and/or mental function tests", Patent application, EP3664101; US2020185110, 2018.[URL]
  13. J. J. G. de Vries, J. J. B. N. van Berkel, and I. Sokoreli, "System and method for providing model-based population insight generation", Patent application, WO2019158496; US2021043328, 2018.[URL]
  14. J. J. G. de Vries, and J. J. B. N. van Berkel, "System and method for facilitating data analysis performance", Patent application, WO2019048318; US2021065912, 2018.[URL]
  15. M. Bulut, D. De Massari, J. J. G. de Vries, and D. M. A. van de Craen, "A computer-implemented method of monitoring a person and an apparatus for monitoring a person", Patent application, EP3460687; WO2019063401; US20200279628, 2019.[URL]
  16. J. J. G. de Vries, S. C. Pauws, D. M. A. van de Craen, L. S. Gorzelniak, and J. M. Riistama, "System and method for providing prediction models for predicting changes to placeholder values", Patent granted, US2018336300, 2017.[URL]
  17. J. J. G. de Vries, I. Sokoreli, and J. J. B. N. van Berkel, "System and method for generating query suggestions reflective of groups", Patent application, WO2019034459; EP20180753351; US20200372079, 2018.[URL]
  18. J. J. G. de Vries, and D. M. A. van de Craen, "Determining a measure of the physical fitness of a subject", Patent application, WO2018060467; EP3518738; US20190343428; US 10932696, 2017.[URL]
  19. Gert-Jan de Vries, and Jennifer Caffarel, "Determining a measure of physical fitness of a subject", Patent application, pending, 2016.
  20. J. J. G. de Vries, and M. A. Weffers-Albu, "System for supporting an elderly, frail and/or diseased person", Patent granted, WO2016193106; EP3302257; US20180146910, 2015.[URL]
  21. M. A. Weffers-Albu, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Method and system for physical training and rehabilitation", Patent application, WO2016096525; US20170352288, 2014.[URL]
  22. G. Geleijnse, M. C.-C. Lee, J. J. G. de Vries, E. M. L. Daemen, and R. P. G. Cuppen, "A healthcare decision support system for tailoring patient care", Patent granted, WO2015014622; EP3028195; US2016188824, 2013.[URL]
  23. A. Tesanovic, A. R. Nicolaas, J. J. G. de Vries, G. Geleijnse, J. Caffarel, J. Teunisse, and J. P. W. Lacroix, "Healthcare support system and method", Patent granted, WO2014195877; US2016117469, 2013.[URL]
  24. G. Geleijnse, W. J. J. Stut, A. Tesanovic, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Healthcare support system and method for scheduling a clinical visit", Patent application, WO2014195820; US2014358571, 2013.[URL]
  25. G. Geleijnse, A. Tesanovic, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Clinical support system and method", Patent granted, WO2014030145; EP2887862; US20150186607, 2012.[URL]
  26. G. Geleijnse, A. Tesanovic, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Healthcare system and method", Patent granted, WO2014064053; EP2909765; US2015261924, 2012.[URL]
  27. J. J. G. de Vries, A. Tesanovic, and G. Geleijnse, "Clinical support system and method", Patent application, US2014172459, 2012.[URL]
  28. A. Ivanovic, J. J. G. de Vries, and K. M. Geary, "Selecting a solution", Patent application, US2014012592, 2012.[URL]
  29. T. A. Lashina, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Selection of ambient stimuli", Patent granted, WO2013144854; US20150031942; CN104203101B, 2012.[URL]
  30. I. Berezhnyy, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Sleep Stage Classification Device with background oscillation emitter", Patent application, WO2013061185, 2012.[URL]
  31. J. J. G. de Vries, and M. Ouwerkerk, "Stress-measuring Device and Method", Patent granted, WO2012140537; US20140031704; EP2696754, 2011.[URL]
  32. E. O. Dijk, J. H. Janssen, J. H. D. M. Westerink, J. J. G. de Vries, and M. van Dooren, "Breathing guidance device and method", Patent application, WO2012117376, 2011.[URL]
  33. J. M. A. van den Eerenbeemd, F. M. H. Crompvoets, D. Brokken, J. J. G. de Vries, and P. M. C. Lemmens, "Method and system for processing a physiological signal", Patent granted, WO2010119374; EP2419002; US2012-0046875, 2009.[URL]
  34. P. S. Newton, H. F. P. M van Doveren, D. Brokken, J. M. A. van den Eerenbeemd, F. M. H. Crompvoets, P. M. C. Lemmens, and J. J. G. de Vries, "Methods and systems for adapting a user environment", Patent granted, WO2010119376; EP2419184; US2012-0041917, 2009.[URL]
  35. F. M. H. Crompvoets, J. J. G. de Vries, D. Brokken, J. M. A. van den Eerenbeemd, and P. M. C. Lemmens, "System, method and computer program product for indicating stimulation signals to a user", Patent granted, WO2010100588; EP2403467; US8527041, 2009.[URL]

Presentations / Posters

  1. Meike Hendriks, Steffen Pauws, Gert-Jan de Vries, and Ioanna Sokoreli, "External Validation and Calibration of Health Risk Models that Predict Readmission Risk in Patients with Heart Failure", 43rd annual North American meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 18-20 Oct. 2021.[PDF]
  2. I. Sokoreli, A. Abdolahi, J. M. Riistama, S. C. Pauws, J. J. G. de Vries, P. J. Amelung, R. Nicholson, C. Veremakis, and E. W. Steyerberg, "Risk prediction of 30-day unplanned re-admission or mortality for heart failure patients: external validation of the OPERA model", Heart Failure 2020 Conference, ePoster, 2020.[URL][PDF]
  3. Ricardo Alfredo Quintano Neira, Gert-Jan de Vries, Erin Stretton, Marcelo Santos, Bruno Franco Mazza, Joos Buijs, and Silvio Hamacher, "Adherence and bottlenecks identification in the execution of a sepsis clinical pathwayin the emergency department", XIV Fórum Internacional de Sepse, São Paulo, Brazil, 4-5 May 2017.[URL][PDF]
  4. J. J. G. de Vries, I. Sokoreli, G. Geleijnse, S. C. Pauws, J. M. Riistama, A. Tesanovic, A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Assessment Of Patient Selection Bias in Prospective Studies of Heart Failure", Heart Failure 2016 Conference, Florence, Italy, 21-24 May 2016.[URL][PDF]
  5. I. Sokoreli, J. J. G. de Vries, J. M. Riistama, S. C. Pauws, G. Geleijnse, A. Tesanovic, G.-J. de Vries, A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, J. G. Cleland, and A. L. Clark, "Depression as an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality in heart failure patients", Heart Failure 2015 Conference, Seville, Spain, 23-26 May 2015.[URL][PDF]
  6. Joyce Westerink, Gert-Jan de Vries, Martin Ouwerkerk, William van Beek, and Murielle Verver, "Assessing change in mental wellbeing from psychophysiological data", International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria, 23-25 Mar. 2015.[URL]
  7. A. Crundall-Goode, K. M. Goode, A. Shoaib, G. Geleijnse, J. J. G. de Vries, E. Robson, K. Dobbs, K. Wong, A. L. Clark, and J. G. Cleland, "OPeRA-HF study design (Risk Arm): an observational study to assess and predict the in-patient course, risk of readmission and mortality for patients hospitalised for or with heart failure", Heart Failure 2013 Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 25-28 May 2013.[PDF]
  8. A. Shoaib, K. M. Goode, A. Crundall-Goode, G. Geleijnse, J. J. G. de Vries, E. Robson, K. Dobbs, K. Wong, A. L. Clark, and J. G. Cleland, "OPeRA-HF Study Design (Monitoring Arm): An observational study to assess and predict the in-patient course, risk of re-admission and mortality for patients hospitalised for or with heart failure", Heart Failure 2013 Conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 25-28 May 2013.[PDF]
  9. Paul Lemmens, Joris Janssen, Kai Kuikkaniemi, and Gert-Jan de Vries, "A tactile jacket for unobtrusive emotion communication", EuroHaptics 2010, Amsterdam (the Netherlands), 8-10 July 2010.
  10. Gert-Jan de Vries, "Analysis of Robust Soft Learning Vector Quantization", Dagstuhl Seminar: Similarity-based learning on structures, Dagstuhl (Germany), 15-20 Feb. 2009. (invited)[URL]

Press Releases & Media Appearances

  1. "Beter slapen: het verband tussen vermoeidheid en stress", Philips, 28 May 2020. [Philips NL; Philips USA]
  2. "OPERA HF: Moderate, Severe Depression May Independently Increase Mortality Risk in Heart-Failure Patients", Philips Research, and Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals, 26 May 2015. [Medscape]
  3. "Heart failure victims require depression counselling", Philips Research, and Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals, 23 May 2015. [BBC News; Medical Daily; Sci Guru]
  4. "Banner Health achieves 27 percent cost savings through joint pilot telehealth program with Philips", Royal Philips, and Banner Health, 3 May 2015. [PR Newswire]
  5. "At-Home Links Monitor Chronic Conditions", Deborah Dahl (Banner Health), Jan. 2015. [Catholic Health Association of the United States]
  6. "Philips Innovation Experience 2011: Heart Failure Re-admission Management", Philips Research, Sept. 2011. [Philips; Youtube]
  7. "Philips Unveils a Vision for the Future of Cardiac Care at ESC 2011", Koninklijke Philips Electronics, and Castle Hill Hospital, Aug. 2011. [Philips; PR Newswire]
  8. "Stressband", Philips Research, and GGz Eindhoven, Jan. 2011. [Volkskrant; Telegraaf]
  9. "Emotions Jacket", Philips Research, Aug. 2010. [The Gadget Show]
  10. "Rationalizer", ABN Amro Bank, and Koninklijke Philips Electronics, Oct. 2009. [MirrorOfEmotions; Philips; Engadget; Youtube]
  11. "Emotions Jacket", Philips Research, Mar. 2009. [Philips; IEEE Spectrum; Slashdot; Youtube]


© Gert-Jan de Vries